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Glaciers hide away some of the most fascinating visual experiences. The play of light inside desert stone slot canyons is startling enough, but in the ice caves and crevasses of ice worlds, the light bouncing and refracting on and inside the translucent walls is divine. The blue color is even more unique due to the filtered sunlight and plunging subzero temperatures. Sometimes this is referred to as glacier blue because it is so unique.
On this day, the temperature was hovering around zero degrees fahrenheit. As you approach this crevasse, your feet feel the crunching ice and your soul, the perfect stillness. You can psychologically feel the mega-tons of ice walls around you, especially as you squeeze through the tight passages. And then, as you stand there, you hear the occasional creaking of the moving glacier around you...
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BetterPhoto Finalist March 2020
YouPic Inspiration Featured April 2020
Moscow International Foto Awards MIFA 2020 Bronze Medal
Better Photography Magazine Photo of the Year 2020 BRONZE
RISE Int'l Photography Awards 2020 Bronze
Limited Editions 100
Artist Proofs 5
Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, USA
Glacial Crevasse
Judge's Comment: "Extraordinary detail, sensual texture and luminance throughout the frame... and intriguing sense of scale!"

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